Financial Return + Social and
Environmental Impact
Market Opportunity in Mexico
Number SMEs
of GDP
of total employment
of GDP
SMEs are critical to Mexico’s economy, but lack funding. According to the World Bank, almost 65% of Mexican small and more than 50% of medium-sized firms face growth limitations due mostly to lack of financing.
Overview of SMEs in Mexico
Emprenta uses the OECD definition of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs):
SMEs receive formal loans
Mexican SMEs: Crucial but Lack Financing
SMEs are Essential to the Mexican Economy
Number SMEs
of total business
of total employment
of GDP
But SMEs are Restrained by Unmet Financing Needs

SMEs are the largest source of Mexican employment, but account for only 20% of commercial loans.

Only 6% of Mexican SMEs are able obtain financing versus 20% in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Acording to the World Bank, almost 65% of Mexican small and more than 50% of medium-sized firms face growth limitations due mostly to lack of financing.

The lack of funding to SMEs is driven by banks preference towards larger deals and clients as well as constraints of non-banks.

SMEs market is also less attractive to banks due to smaller ticket sizes and lower profitability than larger corporate clients.

Breakdown Commercial Loans (MXN Billions)
Funding Spurces used by Mexican SMEs
Limited and Costly SME Financing Options

According to Mexico’s Central Bank, SMEs in Mexico are typically being financed through costly supplier credit, expensive credit cards, and non-banks.

In Mexico from 2009-2012, the premium paid by SMEs compared to large companies increased almost 2% despite their probability of default falling from 8% to 4% while the default level for large companies remained the same.

Impact Thesis

Emprenta´s mission is to generate “triple bottom line” sustainable growth.

Emprenta generates social and environmental impact while targeting sound financial returns through financing Mexican SMEs.

Expected Financial return – Emprenta
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